Book Reviews
This blog will be specially for book reviews of book(s) I have read and enjoyed. I will give my honest opinion, and will rate them depending on how much I like the book. I only read and will review YA books, but I'm open to other genres for review as well. (Just please ask)
My reviews will be posted on Goodreads, Barnes and Novels, and on this blog (unless stated otherwise). If you want me to review a book somewhere else, please contact me and I will do so as soon as I can. The review will include: Author's Name, Release Date, Publisher, Summary, My Rating and if the book has a book trailer (I will make sure to include it in the post as well).
If you are an author or publisher and would like me to review your book/s I will encourage you to please send me the following information with your request. It makes it easier for me to accept the request and write a proper review of the book.
Author's Name:
Release Date:
Series #:(if any)
Page #:
Book Synopsis:
1 book= Hated the book :(
2 books= Didn't enjoy it as much, ok book
3 books= Average
4 books= Good Book
5 books= Awesome book, I LOVED IT!
Disclaimer: If an author or publisher sends me a book for review, they will me mentioned in the review post. I will ONLY post my honest opinion in the review and nothing else.