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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Feature and Follow #6

Feature and Follow Friday 

Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison can Read.

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! or just check out the weekly questions and see what others respond. 

Question: What is a book you didn't like that all your friends raved about or what book you love that wasn't popular?

Answer: The book that I didn't like was The Luxe by , although the majority of my friends liked the series I thought I was going to like it as well, but it was not interesting at all. I tried to read it (mainly because I thought the cover looked great!) but the book itself was really bad. I was only able to read 3-4 chapters before giving up reading it at all. 


readbreatheread said... Best Blogger Tips

I didn't like The Luxe that much either. It was quite boring, actually.

New follower via GFC!


Tena said... Best Blogger Tips

this book has been on my TBR list for what seems like forever, not sure what has taken me so long to read it.

Thanks for stopping by CBS, newest follower of yours

Home of a Book Lover said... Best Blogger Tips

Haven't read this book yet .. gonna try someday :)

Here's my first Feature and Follow Friday :D

Camelle @ homeofabooklover

Goldie @ My Book Musings said... Best Blogger Tips

I like the cover of the Luxe books but I never read them :D

Goldie @ My Book Musings

Jessica @ a GREAT read said... Best Blogger Tips

Not familiar with that one. There have been a few books that were liked by people but they usually weren't for me. Sometimes I could tell that before having to actually read it though.

Here's my Follow Friday

Have a GREAT weekend!

Old Follower :)

Liesel K. Hill said... Best Blogger Tips

Haven't read that one, but it's on my TBR list. Sorry you didn't like it. Now following you via GFC. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Happy Friday!

Shane @ItchingforBooks said... Best Blogger Tips

Yea i love the covers too but never got around to starting the series. sorry you didn't like it.

new follower

Alison Can Read said... Best Blogger Tips

Hopping through. I read the first Luxe book. I liked it well enough but I haven't run back to read the others. New follower!
My Hop

Lectus said... Best Blogger Tips

I haven't gotten to this book yet.

Old follower.- This is my FF

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Ive never read The Luxe series all I know is that they have amazing covers. Lol.
New follower.
Thanks for stopping by My FF

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I've seen the cover for that book before but the summary didn't really catch my attention like the cover. Followed back! Thanks for stopping by :)

Krista said... Best Blogger Tips

I have not heard of this one and if I come across I will not read in a hurry LOL thanks so much for following me I follow back GFC
My FF Krista@KristaReads

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've been wanting to read Luxe. It's not very high on my TBR - just one of those books I'll probably get to....eventually. :)

New GFC follower

Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat
Here's my F&F

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I've never heard of The Luxe!

Thanks for sharing and I'm your old blogger buddy :)

Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy

JezzebellJC said... Best Blogger Tips

The cover is fantastic! But I haven't gotten around to reading it yet to know whether I like it. Thank you so much for stopping by my FF. Old follower :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven

Liza said... Best Blogger Tips

I read The Luxe sometime after I read Twilight and hadn't read a lot of books in years. I enjoyed it then, but it's possible if I had to reread it I wouldn't like them as much. Same goes for Twilight. I couldn't read Twilight today and get the same reaction I did back then from my long reading absence.

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

New follower!

I've actually never read that one!

Zeee @ I Heart Romance and Other Things said... Best Blogger Tips

I have heard a great deal about this series but I haven't picked up to read it. Maybe because I love to read Historical Romance and this one WAS historical but in the YA genre.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Followed back via GFC

Amie said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi from a new follower

I have a problem with The Luxe series too. This series is really killing me because I am a cover sucker. I had those books simply because it looks so nice on my shelves. I tried to read it few times but the connection to the story just was not there. SO you are not alone on this =D

Anyway Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Ruby // Rustled Pages said... Best Blogger Tips

I never read The Luxe, doesn't look like my kind of thing though :/
~ Ruby @

Trish @ Between My Lines said... Best Blogger Tips

Haven't read that book or heard much about it. Sorry it was a let down but I guess we can't love them all. Makes the next good book you read all the more enjoyable though :)

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Following you now, looking forward to your updates :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I've not heard of this, great blog though!
I'm a new GFC follower, here's my FF at Rookie Romance

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips
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Naomi Hop said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh... I haven't heard of that book before, won't be hurrying to get it! Lol

Thanx for visiting my FF!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

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